19-20 Nov 2024 Turin (Italy)

About the workshop

Socioeconomic inequalities have a significant impact on infectious diseases, with COVID-19 serving as a prime example. This highlights the necessity of incorporating socioeconomic factors into epidemic modeling. In this line, the workshop will focus on various aspects that help elucidate the pathways through which socioeconomic conditions influence transmission dynamics.

The goal of the workshop is to explore the link between demographic and socioeconomic factors and epidemics. It will bring together experts from public health, epidemic modeling, and economics to discuss how socioeconomic determinant shape the impact of infectious diseases.

The workshop will explore three main dimensions:
1) The relationship between socioeconomic determinants and infectious disease outcomes,
2) The connection between contact and protective behaviors and socioeconomic factors, and
3) The integration of socioeconomic determinants into epidemic modeling of infectious diseases.


  • Svenn-Erik Mamelund
    Professor in Pandemic Studies and Head of the Center for Research on Pandemics & Society (PANSOC) at Oslo Metropolitan University.
  • Màrton Karsai
    Associate Professor, Director of the Master of Science in Social Data Science Program at Central European University of Vienna. 
  • Giorgos Galanis
    Associate Professor in Applied Economics at the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary, University of London.
  • Nicola Perra
    Reader in Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematical Science. 
  • Abimbola Ayorinde
    Associate Professor at department of Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School.
  • Sarah Beale
    Research Fellow in Infectious Disease Informatics at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics.
  • Pietro Coletti
    Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Public Health and Institute of Health and Society  of the Université  Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium. 


  • Laetitia Gauvin
    Researcher director, PRODIG, IRD
    Affiliated researcher at ISI Foundation
  • Michele Tizzani
    Postdoctoral researcher at ISI Foundation


Financially supported by the contribution of the Ministry of University and Research pursuant to D.D. n.2863 of December 1, 2021

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